Chiron and Achilles 'Los condegeros de los principes.' Los emblemas (Lyon, 1549) p. 205 Andrea Alciato
King Peleus presents Achilles to Chiron Drawing from vase painting Journal of Helenic Studies
detail base of clock case Germany, Ludwigsberg
Chiron Mural V&A Museum
Stove back (iron) Nantes, France
Chiron Chiron & infant Achilles, Louvre, inventory # G3
Stars of Sagittarius Chiron the Educator
Chiron Vase, 7th c BC., London, British Museum
Chiron Crest College of Veterinary Surgeons
Chiron Crest - detail College of Veterinary Surgeons
Chiron Window, Conference Room College of Veterinary Surgeons
Chiron Chair back College of Veterinary Surgeons
Chiron detail of vase Chiron & infant Achilles, Louvre, inventory # G3
Chiron Chiron & boy Achilles, Louvre
Chiron Chiron & boy Achilles, detail Louvre
Chiron Emblem Book Venice, 1546 Sterling Maxwell Collection #29 University of Glasgow, Scotland
Chiron Emblem Book - detail Venice, 1546 Sterling Maxwell Collection #29 University of Glasgow, Scotland
Chiron Los emblemas Andrea Alciato Lyon 1564 (French)
Chiron detail of text Los emblemas Andrea Alciato Lyon 1564 (French)
Chiron Los emblemas Andrea Alciato 1558 (French) Glasgow University Library: SM32
Chiron Los emblemas Andrea Alciato Lyon, 1549 Glasgow University Library: SM32
Chiron Emblem Book
Chiron Los emblemas Andrea Alciato Lyon 1564
Chiron Emblem Book Les conseilliers des Princes SM 37, 1558 (French)
Chiron Emblem Book Qulai sono i Consiglieri de Principi p 142, (Italian)
Chiron Emblem Book Los condegeros de los principes SM 32, Lyon 1549
Chiron Emblem Book Consiliarii Principum SM 40 Lyon 1564 (Latin)
Chiron Emblem Book Andrea Alciato, Emblematum liber (Padua, 1621) Consiliarii Principum, p 623 Glasgow University Library: SM1226
Chiron Emblem Book - detail of image Andrea Alciato, Emblematum liber (Padua, 1621) Consiliarii Principum, p 623 Glasgow University Library: SM1226
Chiron Philostratus, Les images ou tableaux de platte peinture 1637 edition Special Collection #BF73A7
Chiron Los condegeros de los principes (Spanish) SM 32, Lyon 1549
Chiron Hunting lesson 12th c. column capital Chartres Cathedral
Chiron Hunting lesson 12th c. column capital - detail Chartres Cathedral
Chiron Drawing of Chiron & Achilles hunting lesson column capital - detail Chartres Cathedral
Chiron Chalice anonymous or English silver & gilt, c 1210-1220 St. Maurice, Abby (France or Switzerland)
Chiron Chalice (detail) anonymous or English silver & gilt, c 1210-1220 St. Maurice, Abby (France or Switzerland)
Chiron Education of Achilles Porcelain Austrian, 1791-92
Chiron Achilles hunting on Chiron Wedgewood Museum c. 1790 from a drawing 1787-90, drawing by J. Flaxman
Chiron E. Delacroix, 19th c, Paris Louvre (sketch to be used in arch of building)
Chiron Herculaneum, pre 79 AD
Chiron drawing of ring stone (top of ring) in courtesy of the Museum of Decorative Arts, Paris
Chiron Reading Lesson, GK, Terra Cotta, 3rd. BC LBM, Life Collection #81
Chiron Centaur between Apollo and Aesculapius, Fresco, ca. 79 AD, Pompeii, House of Adonis, Naples, Museo Nazionale